Sunday 7 December 2008


Kate Ruscoe" Save Addresses

Date: Nov 11 2008, 12:29 PM

Hey dad!!! You must be so nervous now. Phone me on 0027219765184 today if you want to talk. Try not to pack too much, bring a small roller suitcase (a one with wheels) and pack the absolute minumim!! Only a few t-shirts, underwear, sandels, one nice shirt and a pair of trousers. Everythings dirt cheap out there so you can get ANYTHING tailor made for you for a few quid if you need to. When you get to the airport you walk through immigration and then you go through to exit and you'll see a big sign for taxis. You go there give them the name of the hotel and they'll fill out a form, you pay them and you have your "ticket" and take it to the line of taxis waiting outside. This just helps people not getting ripped off really. So just try not to get too drunk on the flight so you can actually stand when you get there and so your not an easy target for robbery/ getting ripped off. Sooo i can't remember everything else i needed to tell you, but if you really get in trouble and get stuck mom will always be there as a safety net to wire out cash if you really need it and thats always comforting to know. So good luck. I love you lots and i'm 100% you'll be fine. you only need a little push and then you'll get right back into the swing of things, I didnt get my confidence and sense of adventure from nowhere dad!!! So keep safe xxxxxxxxxx Call anytime xxx

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